
Club members have the opportunity to achieve a selection of awards and competencies through the volunteer training system. These are delivered by our club volunteer trainers and assessors and are categorised as follows:
- Aquatic Rescue
- First Aid and Emergency Care
- Powercraft
- Statewide Services
Elwood Life Saving Club partners with Life Saving Victoria which is a registered training organisation (RTO 21799) regulated by the Australian Skills Quality Authority to deliver vocational education and training services.
We are recognised as a provider of quality assured and nationally accredited qualifications.
Our trainers, assessors and facilitators are a dedicated and committed group of volunteer members who make a huge contribution to lifesaving. These individuals go above and beyond to ensure LSV’s volunteer members have the knowledge, skills and rescue capabilities to provide safe beach environments for Victorian communities and visitors.
Elwood Life Saving Club offers a range of course delivery options to ensure flexible training delivery. While we have a choice of delivery mode for select courses, the minimum hours for face-to-face training must be met. Some courses also have prerequisites including other courses to be completed, fitness or age requirements.
Surf Rescue Certificate
Course description: Provides participants with basic patrolling and surf awareness knowledge, enabling participation in basic lifesaving patrol activities.
Delivery Format: Blended.
Minimum time commitment: 21.5 hours plus eLearning.
Prerequisites: You must be 13 years old before you can undertake an assessment, the assessment day must be no more than 60 days after the completion of the course and you must be able to swim 200m in five minutes or less.
Course life expiry: Expires 31 December each year.
How to maintain currency: Annual Skills Maintenance.
Bronze Medallion
Course description: Provides participants with patrolling and surf awareness knowledge, enabling participation in lifesaving patrolling operations.
Delivery format: Blended.
Minimum time commitment: 39.5 hours plus eLearning.
Prerequisites: You Must be 15 years old before you can undertake an assessment, the assessment day must be no more than 60 days after the completion of the course and you must be able to swim 400m in nine minutes or less.
Course life expiry: Expires 31 December each year.
How to maintain currency: Annual Skills Maintenance.
Inflatable Rescue Boat Crew
Course description: Provides participants with the skills and knowledge to effectively crew an IRB in rescue operations.
Delivery format: Face-to-face.
Minimum time commitment: 18 hours.
Prerequisites: Minimum 15 years old on the day of the final assessment and current Bronze Medallion.
Course life expiry: Expires 31 December each year.
How to maintain currency: Annual Skills Maintenance.
Inflatable Rescue Boat Driver
Course description: Provides participants with the skills and knowledge to drive an Inflatable Rescue Boat in rescue operations effectively.
Delivery format: Face-to-face.
Minimum time commitment: 20 hours plus logbook.
Prerequisites: Minimum 17 years old on the day of the final assessment, current Bronze Medallion, current Victorian marine licence and current Inflatable Rescue Boat Crew.
Course life expiry: Expires 31 December each year.
How to maintain currency: Annual Skills Maintenance.
Upcoming courses
Dates for upcoming courses will be detailed on this webpage and emailed to members.
2025 Upcoming IRB Crew Course
April 3, 6pm-9pm
April 5, 1pm-6pm
April 6, 1pm-6pm
April 8, 6pm-9pm
April 10, 6pm-9pm
April 13, 1pm-6pm
2025 Upcoming IRB Driver Course
March 27, 6pm-9pm
March 29, 1pm-6pm
March 30, 1pm-6pm
April 1, 6pm-9pm
April 6, 1pm-6pm
April 8, 6pm-9pm
April 10, 6pm-9pm
April 13, 1pm-6pm
To register for a course go to, log in using your SLS Members Portal username and password, select “Find A New Course” and in the Filter Results field type in “Elwood”. The Elwood courses will show up and click on “Enrol” for the relevant course.
Once you have completed the enrolment you can start the online component at any time.
Any issues contact the Chief Instructor at
Please be aware any candidate under the age of 18 will require permission from a parent or legal guardian at the point of enrolment.